8th Alabama Infantry

8th Alabama Company G "German Fusileers"


About us

Wir sind die 8th Alabama Infantry Company G und als Teil der German Volunteers (TGV) repräsentieren wir die deutschsprachige Community in War of Rights. Neben regelmäßigen Events kann man uns jederzeit auf dem Teamspeak der TGV antreffen. Wir vereinen Disziplin, historisch orientiertes Spielgefühl und Effizienz auf den Schlachtfeldern des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges mit der nötigen Lockerheit, um unseren Mitgliedern ein breites und vielseitiges Angebot zu liefern. Bei Fragen und/oder näherem Interesse stehen die COs und NCOs der stolzen 8th Alabama jederzeit bereit. Wir sehen uns in Maryland, Soldat!

We are the 8th Alabama Infantry, Company G. As part of “The German Volunteers” (TGV) we represent the German speaking community in War of Rights. Apart from frequent well-organized drills and weekly events, we can be found at any time on the teamspeak server of the TGV community. We embrace and strive for discipline, a historically orientated gameplay experience as well as efficiency on the battlefields of the War between the states. We hope to be able to provide a warm and welcoming community environment of fun and enjoyable experiences for our members and our guests. For questions or further inquiries regarding the 8th Alabama and the TGV please feel free to get in touch with our CO´s and NCO´s all of which serve the Company dutifully in the great adventure that is the Maryland Campaign. What are you waiting for Soldier? Enlist now! We´ll see you on the fields of Maryland!

Historical Background

Die 8th Alabama wurde in Richmond Virginia als erstes konföderiertes Regiment überhaupt am 10 Juni 1861 in Montgomery aufgestellt. Sie nahm an zahlreichen Schlachten teil und von den 1377 gemusterten Soldaten zu Beginn, ergaben sich 16 Offiziere und 153 Soldaten bei Appomattox Court House.

Kämpfe an denen die 8th Alabama teilgenommen hat:

-Battle of Seven Pines

-Battle of Williamsburg

-Battle of 2nd Manassas

-Battle of Sharpsburg

-Battle of Fredericksburg

-Battle of Chancellorsville

-Battle of Gettysburg

-Siege of Petersburg

-Battle of Appomattox Court House

Detailliertere Informationen: http://civilwarintheeast.com/c…ama/8th-alabama-infantry/

The 8th Alabama was assembled and formed at Richmond Virginia and bears the high honour of being the first Confederate Regiment to be mustered into service on the 10th of June 1861 as well as being the first Confederate Regiment to enlist for the full duration of the war. Company G drew its men from the county of Mobile, Alabama and became known due to its largely German composition as the “German Fusiliers”. The 8th Alabama participated in numerous battles throughout the duration of the War between the states and gained fame and renown for their prowess in battle. Its battle honours include:

-The Battle of Seven Pines

-The Battle of Williamsburg

-The Battle of 2nd Manassas

-The Battle of Sharpsburg/Antietam

-The Battle of Fredericksburg

-The Battle of Chancellorsville

-The Battle of Gettysburg

-The Siege of Petersburg

-The Battle of Appomattox Court House

Of its initial muster strength of 1377 enlisted men and officers only 16 officers and 153 men could answer the roll call at the official surrender of Lee´s Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House on April 9th 1865.

For detailed information about the 8th Alabama feel free to check out: http://civilwarintheeast.com/c…ama/8th-alabama-infantry/

Company Command



Feel free to contact us and enlist now!



Company tool:https://warofrights.com/CT_Vie…ID=4580#companyToolHeader